Latest Past Events

How to Start a Successful Food Truck Business (FREE) – 05/21/22 | 9AM – 11AM


May 21, 2022 @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM In this FREE webinar you will learn about the nuts and bolts of starting a food truck business. Topics will be the differences in purchasing or leasing a truck, how commissaries work, health permitting, and what your financial and time investment will be Instructor: Kimberly Tapia   […]

How to Start a Successful Food Truck Business (FREE) – 04/16/22 | 11AM – 1PM


In this FREE webinar you will learn about the nuts and bolts of starting a food truck business. Topics will be the differences in purchasing or leasing a truck, how commissaries work, health permitting, and what your financial and time investment will be Instructor: Kimberly Tapia CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

¿Cómo iniciar un negocio de comida desde casa? (GRATIS) 01/18/22 | 6PM-8PM


Quieres dar a conocer al resto del mundo tus habilidades como chef, y sin moverte de casa. ¡Felicitaciones! Puedes comenzar un negocio desde casa con pocos recursos. En este webinar aprenderás sobre la industria de la alimentación y cómo administrar un negocio desde casa. Además conocerás cuales son las normas de seguridad alimentaria, y los […]